
Embassy Energy

All data as on Jun 30, 2024

Embassy Energy

All data as on Jun 30, 2024

Data update as per latest quarterly results. Currently updated as of September 30, 2020 and excludes recently completed Embassy TechVillage Acquisition.

Embassy Energy is our 460-acre solar park (with a 100 MW capacity), supplying green energy to our properties in Bengaluru. The plant has a capacity of 215 mn units per annum, and offsets up to 200 mn kg of CO2 annually.

Key Statistics

* All data as of September 30, 2023


Embassy Energy was commissioned in February 2018 and is located in Bellary district in Karnataka over 460 acres of land.

Image Gallery

Contact Us


Embassy Energy Private Limited (EEPL)
Ittagi Village
Huvinahadagali Taluk
Bellary District, Karnataka

For General Enquiries

Please fill the contact form and we will get back shortly