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Responsible business

We are focused on creating an enterprising and transparent work ecosystem for our employees by implementing strong policies.


Ethics and Responsiblity

Sustainable Finance

We have secured green loan certifications for loans related to our 20 MW solar rooftop project, our 100 MW solar park and other USGBC LEED pre-certified buildings. We are the first in the Indian real estate sector to receive a green loan certification from Climate Bonds Initiative, which mobilizes global capital for climate action towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy.

Asset Acquisition and Site

We have created an ESG checklist, and all proposed acquisitions now undergo an ESG due diligence which would be certified by external advisor(s) and presented to the Investment Committee. Additionally, we have strong related-party safeguards in-place for all acquisitions. For all future acquisitions, we aim to bring the asset under the purview of our net zero commitment within 5 years post the completion of the acquisition.

Responsible Investment


We are committed to maintaining our strong corporate governance standards and continuously endeavour to further refine our disclosures in sync with global best practices. In line with regulatory guidelines, we publish quarterly financial results and semi-annual performance reports as well as an annual sustainability report aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework. We intend to align our disclosures to Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) by FY2025.

Corporate Governance

Embassy REIT’s conduct of business is underpinned by a commitment to high standards of corporate governance, which are aligned with global best practices. Our governance philosophy emphasizes accountability, transparency and integrity, with a view to maximizing unitholder value.

1. Our Governance Structure: Embassy REIT is managed by Embassy Office Parks Services Private Limited (EOPMSPL), herein, referred to as the ‘Manager’. The CEO of the Manager holds responsibility for the day-to-day functioning of Embassy REIT and is accountable to the Board of Directors. The Board consists of eight Non-Executive Directors, half of whom are Independent Directors and the rest are Nominee Directors. Together, they bring to the table, many decades of experience and expertise in diverse fields such as Finance, Investment, Healthcare and Business Administration. The Board is chaired by a nonexecutive Director and has 12.5% women representation. For further details, refer these links (Our Structure, Board Of Directors, Management Team, Committee Composition).
2. Our Policies: A comprehensive set of compliance policies guide the governance of the organization and ensure strict adherence to the REIT regulatory framework to protect the interests of our unitholders. For further details, refer these links (Environment Policies and Reports, Social Policies and Reports, Governance Policies and Reports).
3. Our ESG Governance: At Embassy REIT, an ESG committee has been established to drive the organization’s ESG agenda. The ESG committee is a cross-functional management committee of the Manager and is chaired by the CEO, with the Head of Operations as the Secretary. For further details, refer these links (ESG Governance).
4. Strong Regulatory Framework

Regulatory Compliance

At Embassy REIT, we strive to adhere to all regulatory requirements that govern our operations. We continuously monitor our adherence to the relevant laws and on a quarterly basis any non-compliance with regard to environmental, social and governance related laws and requirements is reported to the Board.

Risk Management

Embassy REIT has a robust risk management framework to address risks that arise from the economic, operational, social and environmental ecosystems that we operate in. Under oversight of the Manager’s Board, the organisation’s Risk Management committee is responsible to identify discrepancies early on articulate mitigation options, oversee implementation and track ongoing action to assess extent of impact in terms of risk reduction.

Key Governance Highlights


Sustainable Finance

Cumulative green / sustainable finance portfolio


₹35 billion by FY2025

FY2024 progress

₹35 billion

FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives
  • Continue engagement with financial institutions and agencies to seek opportunities to expand our ‘Green loan’ book


Asset Acquisition and Site Selection

ESG due diligence for acquisitions



FY2024 progress

ESG due diligence completed6

FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives
  • Undertake ESG due diligence for all acquisition opportunities for presentation to the Board



TCFD compliant annual report


100% by FY2025

FY2024 Progress

Summary TCFD disclosures made in FY2023 ESG report published in June 2023

FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives
  • Continue to disclose TCFD metrics in annual ESG reports with an aim for full TCFD alignment by FY2025

  • Continue participation and score improvement in GRESB, S&P, CSA, FTSE Russell, and CDP benchmarks



Adopt and follow best-in-class governance framework


Quarterly ESG updates to the Board

FY2024 Key Planned Initiatives
  • Continue quarterly reporting of the progress on ESG roadmap to the ESG committee and Board


Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with all SEBI regulations within prescribed timelines

FY2024 Progress

  • Zero incidents of non-compliance

FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives
  • Continue adherence to SEBI regulations


Risk Management

Continuous monitoring and mitigation of key risks

FY2024 Progress

  • Initiated work on a 3-5 year roadmap based on the outcomes of the TCFD assessment conducted in FY2023

FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives
  • Implement mitigation plans for the key identified risks

  • Initiate property-wise detailed risk assessment

  • Undertake FM Global standards audit to identify risk and opportunities

  • Conduct structural audit for identified buildings

  • Target set against baseline of FY2020 actuals for the portfolio (including Embassy TechVillage acquisition).
  • Expansion of renewable energy capacity being evaluated.
  • Local sourcing is defined as sourcing of materials for our new developments and operations within 1,000 kms radius of respective sites.
  • Reporting for certified and eco-labeled materials is attributed to only the new developments portfolio.
  • Excludes Embassy Business Hub for which occupancy certificate was received in Nov’23.
  • ESG due-diligence undertaken for the proposed acquisition of Embassy Splendid Techzone, Chennai – announced on April 6, 2024.

Our Annual ESG Reports

