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Environment -
Resilent Planet

We are focused on improving resource efficiency across our asset lifecycle and developing a sustainable supply chain by integrating ESG aspects across our value chain.


Resource Efficiency

Energy and Emissions

We are transitioning to a net zero carbon portfolio by increasing the use of clean and sustainable energy and reducing carbon emissions across our assets and their associated lifecycles. In line with our sustainability efforts, we design and operate buildings aligned with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) requirements certified by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).

Water Stewardship

Our goal to achieve water neutrality across all our businesses is based on the tenets of reducing, reusing, and recycling. All our assets are equipped with Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) and rainwater harvesting systems. We are committed to minimizing wastewater discharge and promoting water recycling across our office parks.

Waste Management

In line with our goal of being a zero-waste campus, we have partnered with authorised vendors to treat hazardous waste and ensure that the waste is discarded as per regulatory guidelines. We aim to achieve 100% waste diversion from landfills by reducing, recycling and reusing the waste generated at our properties.


Mindful of the environmental implications of our projects, we have incorporated flora and fauna in all our parks. The tree plantation drives around our properties add to an increase in urban greenery and aid in decarbonisation. New landscape designs incorporating an increasing share of green walls, native greens and biophilic elements are in the pipeline.

Sustainable Supply Chain

ESG Performance Of Suppliers

In a bid to improve the sustainability performance across our supply chain we train and encourage our 700+ suppliers to adopt green initiatives and disclose their sustainability performance transparently. ESG clauses are incorporated in our agreements and contracts with major suppliers. We conduct audits and continually monitor and review their performance to ensure ESG compliance across our value chain.

Local Sourcing

To enhance the socio-economic well-being of communities near our operations and reduce our environmental footprint, we have defined a 1,000 km radius around our respective sites to evaluate the availability of local materials. We are developing a ‘Local Sourcing Data Tracker’ and incorporating a Local Sourcing Clause in all our major contracts.

Certified Materials

To manage, monitor and regulate the use of green and eco-certified material usage in our portfolio, we have initiated the tracking of material certificates and have developed a certifications database. Our initiative to use EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) or HPD (Health Product Declaration) materials as well as third-party certified wood-based materials helps enhance the sustainability aspects of our projects.

Key Environment Highlights


Energy and Emissions

Renewable energy consumption share


75% by FY2025

FY2024 progress


FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives

  • Evaluate options to expand installed renewable energy capacity for our portfolio

  • Certify ISO 50001 for our portfolio

USGBC LEED certified portfolio (% of operational area)


100% by FY2023

FY2024 progress


FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives

  • Implement 3-year roadmap based on opportunities identified through energy audit for energy e‚ciencies and savings

  • Maintain USGBC LEED Platinum O+M certification for the portfolio

  • Re-certify ISO 14001 for the portfolio


Water Stewardship

Water consumption reduction across the operational portfolio


7% by FY2025

FY2024 progress


FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives
  • Implement 3-year roadmap based on opportunities identified through water audit for water e‚ciencies and savings



Organic Waste Converter (OWC) capacity increase


25% by FY2025

FY2024 progress


FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives
  • Upgrade the capacity of existing OWCs

  • Realign waste program target to align with ‘Zero Landfill’ goal



Improve biodiversity in our properties

FY2024 Progress

  • Butterfly parks created across multiple properties

  • Innovative biophilic design incorporated for the Central Garden at Embassy TechVillage

FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives

  • Develop biophilic designs and promote native greens in all ongoing constructions

  • Continue to support local flora and fauna by promoting native plants and herbs within our operational properties


ESG Performance of Suppliers

Adherence to ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’



FY2024 progress


FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives

Continue periodic performance monitoring and regular ESG audits of identified key suppliers


Local Sourcing

Local sourcing share


70% by FY2025

FY2024 Progress


FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives

Continue evaluation and adoption of local vendors for sourcing materials to maintain or improve our defined targets


Certified Materials

Increase usage of certified and eco-labeled materials4

FY2024 Progress

Identified and added more certified and eco-labeled materials to our database

FY2025 Key Planned Initiatives

Continue to identify more certified and eco-labeled materials to add to our database

  • Target set against baseline of FY2020 actuals for the portfolio (including Embassy TechVillage acquisition).
  • Expansion of renewable energy capacity being evaluated.
  • Local sourcing is defined as sourcing of materials for our new developments and operations within 1,000 kms radius of respective sites.
  • Reporting for certified and eco-labeled materials is attributed to only the new developments portfolio.
  • Excludes Embassy Business Hub for which occupancy certificate was received in Nov’23.

Our Annual ESG Reports




Across Embassy REIT - Rooftop Solar

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Embassy Express Towers, Mumbai – New AHU Installation

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Embassy 24/7 and FIFC, Mumbai and Embassy Galaxy, Noida – Sensor-based Lighting

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Efficient Outdoor Lighting Design at M3 Block B, Embassy Manyata Business Park

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Embassy Quadron and Embassy Tech Zone, Pune – Rainwater Charging Pits System

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Smart Apiaries at Embassy GolfLinks, Bengaluru to Strengthen Biodiversity

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Reinforcing Women Safety

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