Energy and emissions
We strive to adopt resource-efficient measures in the operations and construction of our properties. The principles of reduce, reuse and recycle are applied to the management of the environmental impact of our operations. We continue to place a high value on measures that reduce our energy consumption and our dependency on non‑renewable energy sources.
During FY2021, we witnessed a 38% decrease in total energy consumption, owing primarily to lower occupancy due to COVID-19 related restrictions.
Our solar initiatives like the establishment of a solar park in Bellary, Karnataka and rooftop solar projects at our office parks are a testament to our commitment to enhancing the use of non-renewable sources of energy.
Installed at Oxygen Business Park, Noida, to replace the current 810 lighting fixtures
Our 100 MW solar park in Bellary supplies clean energy to our business parks in Bengaluru. This plant has generated 190 million units (MU) in FY2021 and has helped offset 158,000 tonnes of CO2. Our roof‑top solar plant installed at Embassy 247 covers an area of 4,000 square meters and has a capacity of 525 KW and generates 72,000 kilo-watt hours (kWH) of energy annually. Through the installation of this plant, we harness the potential of solar power in the region and reduce carbon (CO2) emissions by 16,275 tonnes annually.
Aligned with our pledge to save energy, we have begun replacing conventional lighting fixtures with LED lights across our campuses. During Phase 1 of the project, we installed 718 LED lights at Embassy Oxygen, Noida, to replace the current 810 lighting fixtures. As a result, we have been able to save an average of 6,728 KWH/month.
Time taken by four fast chargers to charge vehicles
We are dedicated to minimising our GHG emissions in accordance with national and global regulations. We have been doubling down on our energy efficiency and increasing the share of renewable energy in our energy mix across our portfolio. Our emissions have also declined by ~55%, due to reduced fuel and energy consumption caused by lower occupancy during FY2021, owing to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. However, we continued our decarbonisation efforts in FY2021 by increasing our energy consumed from renewable sources by 18%.
To further reduce the burgeoning carbon footprint, we have employed efforts to promote the use of electric vehicles. In accordance with this, we have installed e-vehicle charging stations at Embassy 247, Mumbai. Currently, we have charging stations installed at Embassy Golf Links, Bengaluru; Embassy Manyata, Bengaluru; Embassy TechVillage, Bengaluru; Embassy One, Bengaluru; Embassy Quadron, Pune; Embassy Qubix, Pune and Embassy Oxygen, Noida. We also plan to install charging appoints at FIFC, Mumbai and Embassy Galaxy, Noida, in FY2022. We are encouraging and empowering people to transition using cleaner and greener fuels.
Of recycled water is available for use, reducing our dependency on municipal water sources every month
We understand the importance of water stewardship in vibrant metropolitan areas. We have adopted various water conservation initiatives across our office parks and are committed to minimise waste‑water discharge. Until last year, all our assets with the exception of the Express Towers in Mumbai, were equipped with Sewage Treatment Plants (STP). This year, we installed a 65 KLD MBBR technology STP plant equipped with a bio-cask and online monitoring system at Express Towers, Mumbai. Every month, ~35KL of recycled water is available for use, reducing our dependency on municipal water sources.
During FY2021, our total water withdrawal decreased by 63%, owing to reduced occupancy due to the COVID-19 lockdown. We did, however, maintain our water recycling and reuse by recycling over 500,000 KL of water, representing 49% of our total water withdrawal for the year. Rainwater collection at the assets too is part of our water-saving programmes.
Food waste recycled per annum within the campus
We believe in waste minimisation, recovery and reuse for effective waste management. We have partnered with authorised vendors to treat hazardous waste management and ensure that the waste is discarded as per regulatory guidelines.
Organic waste converter machines have been built at many of our campuses to help handle the vast amount of food waste produced on our properties. At the Embassy TechVillage Campus in Bengaluru, the organic waste converter machine installed can convert food waste into manure in 24 hours. The amount of waste recycled on our campus has risen as a result of this programme. Annually, 40 tonnes of food waste is being recycled within the campus itself, and we are able to generate 14 tonnes of compost using the machine. Such efforts contribute to our goal of being a zero-waste campus.